Friday, 28 September 2012

velvet winter

stripey top - charity shop // velvet skirt - charity shop but originally from Next // belt - charity shop

floral shirt - charity shop // velvet skirt - charity shop // brown collared coat - charity shop

Who said you can't wear stripes and florals in the winter? I love pairing these two more 'summery' patterns with a dark velvet to make it more appropriate for autumn and winter, especially when you pair it with this brown collared coat i got in a charity shop about 2 years ago. This coat is actually reversible so you can wear the creme side of the coat also. 

Update: Currently just started my photography course at uni, all is going well (besides my loan taking ages to come through) i just can't post as much due to a lot of work and not having much time! 

Will you be wearing florals still in the autumn and winter?


  1. I'm so jealous of your sense of style :( please dress me xo

    1. awww thanks! :) just look in charity shops you'll never know what you'll find! :)x
